Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry: Women with a bigger purpose
Present every woman complete in Christ,” for His glory and “for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, to the building up of the body of Christ.” (Colossians 1:29, Ephesians 4:12) It’s essential to consider the needs of the women in the congregation, as well as community concerns, to set realistic and inspirational objectives that will bring fulfillment to the women under your leadership. The women’s ministry helps with many things such as spiritual growth, fostering friendships and helping the community. James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (NIV).
Inspiration for our Women
Women’s contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church
Want to dive deeper?
Frequently Asked Questions
The women ministry is coined ‘Wisdom for women’ with the goal of helping the women in the community get involved holistically. This is to bring fruitfulness and fulfillment in the lives of the women.
The women ministry is coined ‘Wisdom for women’ with the goal of helping the women in the community get involved holistically. This is to bring fruitfulness and fulfillment in the lives of the women.
We do not have a specific age to join the ministry. So far as you consider yourself as a woman you can join the ministry.
We will have online meetings and programs during the week on zoom and on other platforms.
If you have any questions about how to get connected or if you would like us set up introductions, don’t hesitate to contact us
Join Ministry/Have questions about our Women's Ministry? Get in touch with us

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